Web content

Click on the dropdown below to navigate to three different examples of websites I’ve helped develop and build. These projects all include components of community engagement, science communication, and resource protection

Finding Hal

Findinghal - a community-science project oriented towards the recovery of endangered white abalone


Web-enabled Condition Reports - an easier way to access Condition Reports for CINMS


Web-enabled Condition Reports - an easier way to access Condition Reports for OCNMS

RepRex examples still under construction

In the coming weeks, I plan to add my own reprex (i.e. reproducible example) code and figures from my recent publications. Please bear with me as I figure out the most streamlined way to do this!

More resources:

Check out my twitter feed for more sci-comm!

For code, projects, and repos, check out my Github profile

For more information about my previous experience in graduate school, check out Lower Case Science, my deprecated science communication blog